1 |
Who created the heavens and the earth? |
2 |
How many days did it take to make the heavens & earth and everything living thing? |
3 |
On which day did God make man? |
4 |
On which day did God rest and what did He call that day? |
5 |
Who was the first man that God put on the earth and what did God make him from? |
6 |
Who was the first woman that God put on the earth and what did God make her from? |
7 |
What was the name of the garden where God put Adam & Eve? |
8 |
Name the two trees in the middle of the garden? |
9 |
What was the forbidden tree known as and what kind of fruit did it produce? |
10 |
What did God tell Adam & Eve would happen if they ate from the forbidden tree? |
11 |
Name two things that Adam & Eve did when they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree? |
12 |
What was the first lie recorded in the bible? |
13 |
A river flowed from the Garden of Eden and it was separated into four headwaters. Name them. |
14 |
What did God do after Adam & Eve sinned? |
15 |
What did God do for Adam & Eve after he made them leave? |